Daftar Laboratorium di CoE Untirta

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Berikut daftar lab yang aktif dan berada dalam lingkup Centre of Excellence Untirta:

  • Kepala Lab Advanced Material & Tomography: Dr. Amalia Sholehah, S.Si, M.Si.
  • Kepala Lab Bioengineering & Biomedical: Dr. Eka Sari, ST., MT.
  • Kepala Lab IoT – Communication – Networks & Informatics: Dr. Ir. Supriyanto, M.Sc.
  • Kepala Lab Nanomaterial & Processing Technology: Dr. Dra. Erlina Yustanti, M.Si
  • Kepala Lab Applied Biomaterial and Product Engineering: Dr. Rahmayetty, ST., MT
  • Kepala Lab Energy Conversions: Dr. Ir. Ni Ketut Caturwati, MT.
  • Kepala Lab Mechatronics & System Modelling: Bobby Kurniawan, Ph.D.
  • Kepala Lab Renewable Energy Design: Dr. Erwin, S.T., M.T
  • Kepala Lab Polymer and Composite Materials: Dr. Endarto Yudo Wardhono, ST., MT.
  • Kepala Lab Biomass Valorization: Teguh Kurniawan, ST., MT., PH.D
  • Kepala Lab Photovoltaics, Functional Device, and Artificial Intelligent: Yus Rama Denny M, M.Si., Ph.D.
  • Kepala Lab Design, Material of Mechanic and Manufacture: Dr. Hendra, ST., MT.
  • Kepala Lab Photovoltaics Module Quality and Sensors Instrument: Dr. Eng. Rocky Alfanz, ST., M.Sc.